Piotr Kolanko About me

Piotr Kolanko - Contemporary Visual Artist

Master of Art 2013 WSUR
Master of Graphic 2016 Academy of Art Cracow.
CEO Kwiaty Paproci

Peter was born in Jasło, a city with an immense historical charge, 97% destroyed during the war. Bombed and depopulated, the city was rebuilt by the hands of its inhabitants after the war’s end. This history, its emotional charge, and symbolic meaning remain very much alive within the city. The motif of return, reconstruction, and the search for identity is highly significant in the artist’s work. As a teenager, he became interested in symbols and the psychology of the depths; this was a natural consequence of seeking the foundations of consciousness structure and resulted from the desire to construct a new identity. His art is full of intuition, premonition, mysticism, archetypes, and symbols, deeply rooted in the aesthetics of decay, reconstruction, destruction. The creative process itself is a continuous cycle of building, destruction, and reconstruction upon the ruins. In his art, he reaches for various media, constantly experimenting and expanding the spectrum of his abilities and interests. He states that his art finds its source in the unremitting force of libido, concentrated in the compulsive creative process.

A vital part of his endeavors is the environment and the relationships associated with space, object, and void. These elements are so characteristic of socio-architectural forms.


-T4 Gallery, 48 Stunden Neukölln, Berlin 2024
-LS43, SCOPE Gallery, Berlin 2024
– Futura, CX Gallery Berlin 2024
-Przesilenie, Post Office Gallery Cracov 2024
-Objects in mirror are closer thanthey appear,
Olympia Gallery Cracov 2024
-All my hairy thoughts, Podbrzezie Gallery Cracov 2024
-”As Far As” BWA Rzeszów 2023
-„Salon zimowy” CSW Elektrownia Radom 2023
-”Pride” DOGA: Design og arkitektur Norge Oslo 2022
– „7. Ogólnopolski Konkurs dla Młodych Artystów im. Mariana Michalika. Triennale Malarstwa.” Częstochowa 2022
– ’Illusion fields’ Ufo Art Gallery, Cracow 2022
– ’Who is the dreamer’ Flowers of fern, Berlin 2021
– ’Enlightnment’ Ufo Art Gallery, Cracow 2021
– ’Falling Wall’ Hotel Cracovia, Cracow 2021
– ’Hydepark’ Notional Museum of Cracow 2020
– ’From trace to symbol’ Solvay Gallery, Cracow 2020
– ’Unknown ? ? ?’ UFO Art Gallery, Cracow 2020
– ’Zen’ UFO Art Gallery, Cracow 2020
– ’?’ Art Zona, Cracow 2019
– ’Physion codes’ Szyb Willson Gallery, Katowice 2016
– ’Open 27’ New Walk Muzeum, Leicester 2016
– ’Flesh’ Especialgallery, London 2015
– ’13 Friday’ Art. Zona, Cracow 2015
– ’Hunch’ Solvay Gallery, Cracow 2014
– ’Worries’ Cultures Center Krosno 2017
– ’19th International Biennial of Small Graphic Forms’,
Tetevo Macedonia 2016


Prize in „Open 27” New Walk Muzeum Leicester 11.03.2016
„PANKA” award for the best MA diploma in Rzeszów

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